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探讨粪便和唾液菌群作为潜在的诊断生物标志物。< / p > < /秒>Methods

We applied shotgun metagenomic and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to samples from a Spanish case–control study (n=136), including 57 cases, 50 controls, and 29 patients with chronic pancreatitis in the discovery phase, and from a German case–control study (n=76), in the validation phase.


Faecal metagenomic classifiers performed much better than saliva-based classifiers and identified patients with PDAC with an accuracy of up to 0.84 area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) based on a set of 27 microbial species, with consistent accuracy across early and late disease stages. Performance further improved to up to 0.94 AUROC when we combined our microbiome-based predictions with serum levels of carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19–9, the only current non-invasive, Food and Drug Administration approved, low specificity PDAC diagnostic biomarker. Furthermore, a microbiota-based classification model confined to PDAC-enriched species was highly disease-specific when validated against 25 publicly available metagenomic study populations for various health conditions (n=5792). Both microbiome-based models had a high prediction accuracy on a German validation population (n=76). Several faecal PDAC marker species were detectable in pancreatic tumour and non-tumour tissue using 16S rRNA sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridisation.


Taken together, our results indicate that non-invasive, robust and specific faecal microbiota-based screening for the early detection of PDAC is feasible.

卡尔塔尔,E.,施密特,T. S. B.,莫利纳-蒙特斯,E.,罗德里格斯-佩拉莱斯,沃贝尔,J.,迈斯特伦科,O. M.,阿卡尼,W. A.,阿拉什卡尔·阿尔哈姆威,B.,阿尔维斯,R. J.,卡拉托,A.,伊拉斯谟,h . p .。,埃斯图略,L.,芬克尔梅尔,F.,富勒姆,格拉泽克,A. M.,戈麦斯-卢比奥,P.,赫尔cog, R.,荣格,F.,坎德尔斯,S.,克尔斯汀,S.,朗海因里希,M.,马尔克斯,M.,莫雷罗,X.,奥拉科夫,A., Van Rossum, T., Torres-Ruiz, R., Telzerow, A., Zych, K., MAGIC研究调查员,PanGenEU研究调查员,Benes, V.,泽勒,G.,特雷比卡,J., Real, F. X.,马拉茨,N.,博克,P.,马拉茨,Real,德马图拉纳,德马奎斯,米尔恩,阿尔法罗,洛巴托,埃斯图略,劳勒,斯卡帕,贝格helli,Sharp、Hidalgo、Rodriguez、Carrato、Caminoa、Guillen-Ponce、Rodriguez- garrote、Longo-Munoz、Ferreiro、Pachon、Mar Iglesias、Alvarez-Urturi、Bessa、Bory、Marquez、Poves、Burdio、Grande、Gimeno、Molero、Guarner、Balcells、Salcedo、Michalski、Esposito、Kleeff、Kong、Löhr、Huang、Verbeke、Ye、Yu、Perea、Pelaez、Farre、Mora、Martin、Artigas、Guarner、JSancho、yCajal、Greenhalf、ORorke、Murray、Cantwell、MBarbera、Tardon、Barneo、Munoz、Lozano、Luaces、Munoz- bellvis、say艾格斯·曼萨诺、古铁雷斯·特隆科索、德马托斯、格雷斯、布赫兹、尼西、克诺戈拉克-尤尔切维奇、科克、巴塔查里亚、塔布拉罕、恩尼斯、道、拉东、西尔弗曼、伊斯顿、汉斯-彼得、法比安·芬克尔梅尔、文伊·郭拉夫、埃哈德、斯特凡、克尔斯汀、朗海因里希、格鲁̈兹曼、f韦伯、皮拉尔斯基 2022 - 06 - 07 - t01:03:50 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324755 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324755 BMJ出版集团 开放获取,编辑的选择,新闻稿,Gut 对胰腺癌具有高特异性的粪便菌群特征 2022-07-01 胰腺 71 7 1359 1372