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Solitary angiodysplastic lesions in the ileocaecal region diagnosed by angiography
  1. G. H. Whitehouse


    Single angiodysplasias were demonstrated by preoperative angiography in four patients. In two cases the lesions were in the terminal ileum, and were situated just above the caecum in the other two patients. In three patients, contrast medium was extravasated into the bowel lumen. Histological verification was obtained in three instances. The literature on intestinal angiodysplastic lesions was reviewed, with especial regard to their distribution and radiological manifestations. The relative frequency of angiodysplasias in the right side of the colon is noted. Visceral angiography is an important investigation in cases where there is persistent or recurrent bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, especially when barium studies and laparatomy have been negative.

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