消化最近的问题 //www.marcconsult.com 肠道RSS提要——最近的几期 肠道 0017 - 5749 肠道 http://hwmaint.www.marcconsult.com/homepage/GUT_95x60.gif//www.marcconsult.com <![CDATA[减少相对风险而非绝对风险应优先提高公众对预防行动的敏感性]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1045?rss=1

我们感谢Lawrence和同事1对我们工作的兴趣,2他们提出了一些意见,认为需要以绝对风险而不是相对风险来表达结果。正如他们在通信中恰当地提到的,绝对风险是估计干预效果的一个重要参数,有时必须优先于相对风险。但是,在与卫生专业人员和政策制定者讨论时,使用以百分比表示的绝对风险降低可能会错误地导致认为干预是不必要的。例如,将影响2%人口的事件的发生率降低30%有什么意义呢?这正是我们在2019冠状病毒病大流行时所面临的情况,当时政策制定者因采取措施减少个人自由而受到批评,这些措施被认为与公众的风险感知相比过度了。 夏贝尔,N.,马特尔,M.,巴昆,A. N.,巴都,M.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324689 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324689 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道,COVID-19 为了提高公众对预防措施的敏感性,应优先降低相对风险,而不是绝对风险 2022-06-01 评论 71 6 1045 1046 <!从临床试验到临床实践:我们应该如何设计和评估IBD护理中的预测模型?]] > //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1046?rss=1 随着克罗恩氏病(CD)的医疗选择的扩大,临床医生需要更好的工具来衡量患者的疾病负担程度,并最终确定治疗计划是否将提供足够的好处。内镜评分,如克罗恩病简单内镜评分(SES-CD),测量粘膜损伤程度,以评估治疗变化。虽然在非对照研究中显示了预测一些CD临床结果,但SES-CD并没有明确设计用于预测足够治疗反应的持久性。1Gut中,Narula 等人展示了他们的工作,优化了基线结肠镜检查中个别内镜特征的权重,以预测1年的CD内镜缓解。2该组表明,与使用原始SES-CD相比,提出的改良乘数SES-CD (MM-SES-CD)评分更能预测内镜下1年的缓解(曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.82 vs 0.60)。除了模型性能的提高,MM-SES-CD特征加权… 斯蒂汉姆,r.w.,维克斯,A.,辛格,K.,瓦尔吉,A. K.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324712 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324712 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 从临床试验到临床实践:我们应该如何设计和评估IBD护理中的预测模型? 2022-06-01 评论 71 6 1046 1047 <!胰腺癌监测及其持续的挑战:是时候完善我们的资格标准了吗?]] > //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1047?rss=1 胰腺癌(PC)高危人群可以从定期监测中获益,因为PC的首次临床症状往往只在晚期出现,此时预后往往令人沮丧。因此,PC监测的目的是及时发现和手术切除通常无症状患者仍可治愈的病变。在国际胰腺癌筛查(CAPS)联盟制定的指南中,符合监测条件的高危个体(HRIs)被定义为具有强烈的PC家族史(家族性胰腺癌;FPC)或高危PC易感基因种系突变的患者,如CDKN2ASTK11BRCA2。首选的成像方式是内镜超声(EUS)和/或MRI/磁共振胰胆管造影(MRCP)。1 2自21世纪初以来发表的一系列主要是小型和短期研究中,PC监测的诊断率各不相同… 波特杰,t.p.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324739 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324739 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 胰腺癌监测及其持续的挑战:是时候完善我们的资格标准了吗? 2022-06-01 评论 71 6 1047 1049 <![CDATA[在eus引导下对腔金属支架引流胰液的真实多中心研究]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1050?rss=1



< sec>关于这个主题已经知道什么?

  • 使用管腔对位金属支架(LAMS)是目前内镜超声(EUS)引导下胰液收集引流(PFCs)最常见的选择。早期从全氟化合物中去除LAMS被认为是减少不良事件的关键因素。李< / p > < / > < / l > < / p > < /秒> <秒> <圣>本研究增加了什么?

  • eus引导下pfc引流的有效性和安全性在现实生活中得到了证实。

  • 去除LAMS的时机尚未被证实会影响eus引导的pfc引流的安全性和有效性,可能没有目前认为的那么重要。


  • 在现实生活中,eus引导下引流的良好结果,以及将LAMS在pfc中停留更长时间的可能性,而不会产生更大的不良事件风险,可能有助于更好地规划其管理。

    阿马托,A.,塔伦蒂诺,法西奥鲁索,A.,宾达,C., Crino, S. F.,富加扎,A., Forti, E., Petrone, M., Di Mitri, R., Macchiarelli, R., Sinagra, E., Maida, M., Repici, A., Anderloni, A., Fabbri, C.,代表I - eus集团,代表I - eus集团,Ramai, DErrico, Berretti, Nucci, Lovera, Attili, Brancaccio, Radaelli, Tasini, Ballare, Coppola, Leone, Cugia, Grassia, Sbrancia, Togliani, Fusaroli, Angelis, Manno, Badas, Pollino, Camellini, Bernardoni, Conte, liisotti, Mutignani,Traina, Arcidiacono 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2022 - 326880 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2022 - 326880 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 管腔对置金属支架用于eus引导胰液收集引流的真实多中心研究 2022-06-01 内窥镜检查的消息 71 6 1050 1052 <![CDATA[多性状遗传关联分析确定了50个胃食管反流的新风险位点,7个巴雷茨食管的新位点,并为反流诊断的临床异质性提供了见解]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1053?rss=1 胃食管反流病(GERD)具有不同的病因,主要归因于其基于症状的定义。GERD全基因组关联研究(GWASs)显示,与肥胖和抑郁等已确定的危险因素存在很强的遗传重叠。我们假设,GERD和这些危险因素之间共享的遗传结构可以用于(1)识别新的GERD和barrett ' s食管(be)风险位点,(2)探索导致GERD和食管并发症的潜在异质性途径。


    我们应用多性状GWAS模型结合GERD(78 707例;288 734个对照)和遗传相关性状,包括教育程度、抑郁和体重指数。我们还使用多性状分析来识别BE风险位点。23andMe重复了最高命中数(462 753例GERD, 24 099例BE, 1 484 025例对照组)。我们还将GERD基因座分为肥胖驱动型和抑郁驱动型两个亚组。研究人员对这些亚组进行了研究,以确定它们与组织特异性基因表达以及严重食管疾病(BE和/或食管腺癌,EA)风险的关系。




    我们的多性状模型识别了许多新的GERD和BE风险位点。 We present strong evidence for a genetic underpinning of disease heterogeneity in GERD and show that GERD loci associated with depressive symptoms are not strong predictors of BE/EA relative to obesity-driven GERD loci.

    Ong js。, An, J., Han, X., Law, M. H., Nandakumar, P., 23andMe研究小组,食管癌联盟,舒马赫,J., Gockel, I., Bohmer, A., Jankowski, J., Palles, C., Olsen, C. M., Neale, R. E., Fitzgerald, R., Thrift, A. P., Vaughan, T. L., Buas, M. F., Hinds, D. A., Gharahkhani, P., Kendall, B. J., MacGregor, S., Fitzgerald, Buas, Gammon, Corley, Shaheen, Hardie, Bird, Reid, Chow, Risch, Ye, Liu, Romero, Bernstein, Wu,舒马赫,Gockel, Bohmer, pelles, Whiteman, Agee, Aslibekyan,Auton、Bell、Bryc、Clark、Elson、Fletez-Brant、Fontanillas、Furlotte、Gandhi、Heilbron、Hicks、Hinds、Huber、Jewett、Jiang、Kleinman、Lin、Litterman、Luff、McCreight、McIntyre、McManus、Mountain、Mozaffari、Nandakumar、Noblin、Northover、O’connell、Petrakovitz、Pitts、David Poznik、Fah Sathirapongsasuti、Shastri、Shelton、Shringarpure、Tian、Tung、Tunney、Vacic、Wang、Zare 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2020 - 323906 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2020 - 323906 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 多性状遗传关联分析确定了50个胃食管反流的新风险位点,7个巴雷茨食管的新风险位点,并为反流诊断的临床异质性提供了见解 2022-06-01 食管 71 6 1053 1061
    <!息肉和皮肤病变:可能是什么?]] > //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1061?rss=1 临床表现

    一名51岁男性来我们胃肠科就诊,主诉腹胀和打嗝。他的病史有显著的糖尿病和甲状腺乳头状癌的甲状腺切除术。他报告偶尔有胃灼热,但否认有任何腹痛、排便习惯改变、体重减轻或恶性肿瘤家族史。他的一个孩子患有自闭症。体检注意到足部有无症状的皮肤颜色病变(figure 1A),但其他均为阴性。上消化道内镜示食管(figure 1B)大量白色斑块,胃(figure 1C)和十二指肠可见多发小息肉。结肠镜检查发现大量息肉分布在整个结肠(图1D),回肠末端有多个息肉。胃、十二指肠和结肠的活检结果均与增生性息肉一致(figure 1E)。



    Nammour, T, Hamie, L., Barada, K. A。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324052 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324052 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道快照,肠道 息肉和皮肤损伤:可能是什么? 2022-06-01 编辑测试:GI快照 71 6 1061 1116
    <!CDATA[Lyon共识诊断GORD标准的应用:传统和新的阻抗- ph参数的评估]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1062?rss=1 目的

    验证通过反流监测诊断胃食管反流病(GORD)的Lyon共识标准。< / p > < /秒>Design

    Manual review of impedance-pH tracings from patients with proton pump inhibitor (PPI)-dependent heartburn, evaluated off PPI. Acid exposure time (AET) thresholds defined by the Lyon Consensus and impedance parameters were investigated, namely, total refluxes (TRs), postreflux swallow-induced peristaltic wave (PSPW) index and mean nocturnal baseline impedance (MNBI).


    The study included 488 patients, 178 (36%) with normal (<4%) AET, 89 (18%) with inconclusive (4%–6%) AET and 221 (45%) with abnormal (>6%) AET, alongside with 70 healthy controls. At receiver operating characteristic analysis, area under curve was 0.89, 0.95 and 0.89 for TRs, PSPW index and MNBI, respectively, and threshold values were 40, 50% and 2000 ; the 4% physiological AET threshold defined by the Lyon Consensus showed 100% specificity but 63% sensitivity. The thresholds defined for impedance parameters were validated against AET by means of ordered logistic regression, being in concordance with the 4% AET threshold (OR 2.5 for TRs, 18.9 for PSPW index and 5.7 for MNBI). TRs positivity and concordant PSPW index/MNBI positivity were found in 80%–90% of patients in the abnormal AET group, in 73%–74% of cases in the inconclusive AET group and in 28%–40% of cases in the group with normal AET.


    Our results show the overall validity of the Lyon Consensus approach to GORD diagnosis. Adding evaluation of impedance parameters, namely, TRs, PSPW index and MNBI to AET appraisal, substantially improves the diagnostic yield of reflux monitoring.

    弗拉佐尼,L.,弗拉佐尼,M.,德·博尔托利,N.,里博尔西,M.,托隆,S.,鲁索,S.,科尼利亚罗,R. L.,佩尼亚尼,R.,富乔,L.,扎加利,R. M.,萨瓦里诺,E.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325531 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325531 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 Lyon共识标准在GORD诊断中的应用:评估常规和新的阻抗- ph参数 2022-06-01 食管 71 6 1062 1067
    <![CDATA[胃粘膜急性损伤后主要细胞可塑性是化生的起源]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1068?rss=1 目的

    化生源于对损伤做出反应的分化细胞类型,被认为是许多癌症的前体。损伤后的修复性化生黏膜中存在异质细胞系,包括小凹细胞、增殖细胞和spasmolytic polypeptide- transcription metaplasia (SPEM)细胞,SPEM是一种关键的化生细胞群。分泌酶原的主细胞是胃粘膜中的长寿细胞,被认为是SPEM细胞的起源;然而,一种相互矛盾的范式提出了峡部祖细胞作为SPEM的起源。< / p > < /秒>Design

    Gastric intrinsic factor (GIF) is a stomach tissue-specific gene and exhibits protein expression unique to mature mouse chief cells. We generated a novel chief cell-specific driver mouse allele, GIF-rtTA. GIF-GFP reporter mice were used to validate specificity of GIF-rtTA driver in chief cells. GIF-Cre-RnTnG mice were used to perform lineage tracing during homoeostasis and acute metaplasia development. L635 treatment was used to induce acute mucosal injury and coimmunofluorescence staining was performed for various gastric lineage markers.


    We demonstrated that mature chief cells, rather than isthmal progenitor cells, serve as the predominant origin of SPEM cells during the metaplastic process after acute mucosal injury. Furthermore, we observed long-term label-retaining chief cells at 1 year after the GFP labelling in chief cells. However, only a very small subset of the long-term label-retaining chief cells displayed the reprogramming ability in homoeostasis. In contrast, we identified chief cell-originating SPEM cells as contributing to lineages within foveolar cell hyperplasia in response to the acute mucosal injury.


    Our study provides pivotal evidence for cell plasticity and lineage contributions from differentiated gastric chief cells during acute metaplasia development.

    考德威尔,B.,梅耶,A. R.,魏斯,J. A.,恩格维克,A. C.,崔,E.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325310 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325310 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 主要的细胞可塑性是胃粘膜急性损伤后化生的起源 2022-06-01 71 6 1068 1077
    <![CDATA[改良乘数SES-CD (MM-SES-CD)预测克罗恩病内镜下缓解]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1078?rss=1 背景和目的



    在对三个CD临床试验方案(n=350例患者,基线SES-CD和ge;3例确诊溃疡),数据汇总并随机分为70%的训练队列和30%的测试队列。MM-SES-CD采用logistic回归模型确定的各参数权重进行设计,ER为1年(SES-CD <3)为因变量。使用最大约登指数确定ER低概率和高概率的切点评分,并在测试队列中验证。< / p > < /秒>Results

    Baseline ulcer size, extent of ulceration and presence of non-passable strictures had the strongest association with 1-year ER as compared with affected surface area, with differential weighting of individual parameters across disease segments being observed during logistic regression. The MM-SES-CD was generated using this weighted regression model and demonstrated strong discrimination for ER in the training dataset (area under the receiver operator curve (AUC) 0.83, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.94) and in the testing dataset (AUC 0.82, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.92). In comparison to the MM-SES-CD scoring model, the original SES-CD score lacks accuracy (AUC 0.60, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.65) for predicting the achievement of ER.


    We developed and internally validated the MM-SES-CD as an endoscopic severity assessment tool to predict one-year ER in patients with CD on active therapy.

    Narula N., Wong E. c.l, Colombel, j - f。,桑伯恩,W. J.,马歇尔,J. K.,达佩诺,M.,赖尼施,W.,杜莱,P. S.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2020 - 323799 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2020 - 323799 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 改良乘数SES-CD (MM-SES-CD)预测克罗恩病的内镜缓解 2022-06-01 炎症性肠病 71 6 1078 1087
    <![CDATA[瑞典两波乳糜泻发病率:1990 - 2015年全国人口队列研究]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1088?rss=1 目的



    基于1990–2015年基于活检报告的全国性人群队列研究,显示十二指肠/空肠的绒毛萎缩(VA)或黏膜正常。< / p > < /秒>Results

    We identified 44 771 individuals (63% females) with a biopsy report specifying VA and 412 279 (62% females) with a biopsy report indicating normal mucosa (without a prior biopsy indicating VA). The median age at diagnosis of CD was 28 years. The mean age-standardised incidence rate during the study period was 19.0 per 100 000 person-years (95% CI 17.3 to 20.8). The incidence reached a peak in 1994 for both sexes and a second higher peak in 2002–2003 for females and in 2006 for males. The lifetime risk of developing CD was 1.8% (2.3% in females and 1.4% in males).

    Prior to 2015, there was a parallel rise in rates for biopsies showing normal duodenal/jejunal mucosa.


    In Sweden, the incidence of CD increased until 2002–2003 in females and until 2006 in males. Since then, the incidence of CD has declined despite increasing duodenal/jejunal biopsies, suggesting that increased awareness and investigation are unlikely to elevate the incidence of the disease in Sweden. Across a lifetime, 1 in 44 females and 1 in 72 males are expected to be diagnosed with CD in Sweden, indicating a relatively high societal burden of disease.

    伯格曼,D.,金,J.,莱布沃尔,B.,克莱门茨,M. S.,罗埃斯特雷特,B.,卡普兰,G. G.,格林,P. H.,默里,J. A.,路德维森,J. F.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324209 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324209 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 瑞典两波乳糜泻发病率:1990年至2015年全国人口队列研究 2022-06-01 腹腔疾病 71 6 1088 1094
    <![宿主和肠道微生物色氨酸代谢与2型糖尿病:队列研究中宿主遗传、饮食、肠道微生物组和循环代谢物的综合分析] //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1095?rss=1 目的

    色氨酸可通过宿主犬尿氨酸和微生物吲哚途径分解为各种代谢物。我们旨在研究宿主和微生物色氨酸代谢物与发生2型糖尿病(T2D)、宿主遗传、饮食和肠道菌群的关系。< / p > < /秒>Method

    We analysed associations between circulating levels of 11 tryptophan metabolites and incident T2D in 9180 participants of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds from five cohorts. We examined host genome-wide variants, dietary intake and gut microbiome associated with these metabolites.


    Tryptophan, four kynurenine-pathway metabolites (kynurenine, kynurenate, xanthurenate and quinolinate) and indolelactate were positively associated with T2D risk, while indolepropionate was inversely associated with T2D risk. We identified multiple host genetic variants, dietary factors, gut bacteria and their potential interplay associated with these T2D-relaetd metabolites. Intakes of fibre-rich foods, but not protein/tryptophan-rich foods, were the dietary factors most strongly associated with tryptophan metabolites. The fibre-indolepropionate association was partially explained by indolepropionate-associated gut bacteria, mostly fibre-using Firmicutes. We identified a novel association between a host functional LCT variant (determining lactase persistence) and serum indolepropionate, which might be related to a host gene-diet interaction on gut Bifidobacterium, a probiotic bacterium significantly associated with indolepropionate independent of other fibre-related bacteria. Higher milk intake was associated with higher levels of gut Bifidobacterium and serum indolepropionate only among genetically lactase non-persistent individuals.


    Higher milk intake among lactase non-persistent individuals, and higher fibre intake were associated with a favourable profile of circulating tryptophan metabolites for T2D, potentially through the host–microbial cross-talk shifting tryptophan metabolism toward gut microbial indolepropionate production.

    齐,Q,李,J.,余,B., Moon, J - y。,柴俊超,美利奴,胡俊杰,瑞兹-卡内拉,M., Rebholz, C.,王,Z., Usyk, M.,陈,g . C.。、波奈拉、王伟文、阮乃清、费奥法诺瓦、e.v.、格罗夫、m.l.、王、t.j.、格斯滕、r.e.、杜普伊斯、萨拉斯-萨尔多、鲍伟文、鲍伟文、珀金斯、d.l.、达维格勒斯、m.l.、提亚加拉简、b.s.、蔡俊杰、王伟文、曼森、j.e.、马丁内斯-冈萨雷斯、m.a.、塞尔文、e.e.、雷克斯罗德、k.m.、克利什、c.b.、胡、f.b.、Meigs、j.b.、Knight、r.k.、Burk、r.d.、Boerwinkle、e.c兰、r.c.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324053 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324053 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 宿主和肠道微生物色氨酸代谢与2型糖尿病:队列研究中宿主遗传、饮食、肠道微生物组和循环代谢物的综合分析 2022-06-01 肠道微生物群 71 6 1095 1105
    <![肠道菌群组成与SARS-CoV-2疫苗免疫原性和不良事件相关]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1106?rss=1 目的

    肠道菌群在调节宿主免疫反应中起关键作用。我们进行了一项前瞻性观察性研究,以检查已接种灭活疫苗(CoronaVac;或mRNA疫苗(BNT162b2;BioNTech;Comirnaty)。< / p > < /秒>Design

    We performed shotgun metagenomic sequencing in stool samples of 138 COVID-19 vaccinees (37 CoronaVac and 101 BNT162b2 vaccinees) collected at baseline and 1 month after second dose of vaccination. Immune markers were measured by SARS-CoV-2 surrogate virus neutralisation test and spike receptor-binding domain IgG ELISA.


    We found a significantly lower immune response in recipients of CoronaVac than BNT162b2 vaccines (p<0.05). Bifidobacterium adolescentis was persistently higher in subjects with high neutralising antibodies to CoronaVac vaccine (p=0.023) and their baseline gut microbiome was enriched in pathways related to carbohydrate metabolism (linear discriminant analysis (LDA) scores >2 and p<0.05). Neutralising antibodies in BNT162b2 vaccinees showed a positive correlation with the total abundance of bacteria with flagella and fimbriae including Roseburia faecis (p=0.028). The abundance of Prevotella copri and two Megamonas species were enriched in individuals with fewer adverse events following either of the vaccines indicating that these bacteria may play an anti-inflammatory role in host immune response (LDA scores>3 and p<0.05).


    Our study has identified specific gut microbiota markers in association with improved immune response and reduced adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines. Microbiota-targeted interventions have the potential to complement effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

    Ng, S . C,彭,Y。,,L, Mok, C·K。赵,年代,Li,京,J . Y。刘,Y。,燕,年代,Chan d·L·S。,J。,C,冯,A·C。Wong K . K。回族,d·S。Chan f·K。桶,h . M。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 326563 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 326563 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道,COVID-19 肠道菌群组成与SARS-CoV-2疫苗免疫原性和不良事件相关 2022-06-01 新型冠状病毒肺炎 71 6 1106 1116
    <![低FODMAP饮食对肠易激综合征的疗效:系统综述和网络荟萃分析] //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1117?rss=1 如果一般的生活方式和饮食建议失败,建议肠易激综合征(IBS)患者采用低可发酵寡糖、双糖、单糖和多元醇(FODMAP)的饮食。然而,尽管一些随机对照试验(rct)已经检验了低FODMAP饮食对个体IBS症状的影响,但最近还没有系统的评估,而且个别试验研究了许多替代或对照干预措施,这意味着尚不清楚最佳比较器。我们对这些不确定性进行了网络元分析。< / p > < /秒>Design

    We searched the medical literature through to 2 April 2021 to identify RCTs of a low FODMAP diet in IBS. Efficacy was judged using dichotomous assessment of improvement in global IBS symptoms or improvement in individual IBS symptoms, including abdominal pain, abdominal bloating or distension, and bowel habit. Data were pooled using a random effects model, with efficacy reported as pooled relative risks (RRs) with 95% CIs, and interventions ranked according to their P-score.


    We identified 13 eligible RCTs (944 patients). Based on failure to achieve an improvement in global IBS symptoms, a low FODMAP diet ranked first vs habitual diet (RR of symptoms not improving=0.67; 95% CI 0.48 to 0.91, P-score=0.99), and was superior to all other interventions. Low FODMAP diet ranked first for abdominal pain severity, abdominal bloating or distension severity and bowel habit, although for the latter it was not superior to any other intervention. A low FODMAP diet was superior to British Dietetic Association (BDA)/National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) dietary advice for abdominal bloating or distension (RR=0.72; 95% CI 0.55 to 0.94). BDA/NICE dietary advice was not superior to any other intervention in any analysis.


    In a network analysis, low FODMAP diet ranked first for all endpoints studied. However, most trials were based in secondary or tertiary care and did not study effects of FODMAP reintroduction and personalisation on symptoms.

    布莱克,c.j.,施陶达赫,h.m.,福特,a.c.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325214 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325214 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 低FODMAP饮食对肠易激综合征的疗效:系统回顾和网络荟萃分析 2022-06-01 Neurogastroenterology 71 6 1117 1126
    <![CDATA[Braf突变诱导衰老和异常甲基化肠上皮快速肿瘤转化]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1127?rss=1 目的

    无梗锯齿状病变(SSLs)在各个年龄段都很常见,但BRAF突变型癌症主要发生在老年人中。异常DNA甲基化在年轻患者的SSL中并不常见。在这里,我们询问衰老和DNA甲基化在SSL启动和进展中的作用。< / p > < /秒>Design

    We used an inducible model of Braf mutation to direct recombination of the oncogenic Braf V637E allele to the murine intestine. BRAF mutation was activated after periods of ageing, and tissue was assessed for histological, DNA methylation and gene expression changes thereafter. We also investigated DNA methylation alterations in human SSLs.


    Inducing Braf mutation in aged mice was associated with a 10-fold relative risk of serrated lesions compared with young mice. There were extensive differences in age-associated DNA methylation between animals induced at 9 months versus wean, with relatively little differential Braf-specific methylation. DNA methylation at WNT pathway genes scales with age and Braf mutation accelerated age-associated DNA methylation. In human SSLs, increased epigenetic age was associated with high-risk serrated colorectal neoplasia.


    SSLs arising in the aged intestine are at a significantly higher risk of spontaneous neoplastic progression. These findings provide support for a new conceptual model for serrated colorectal carcinogenesis, whereby risk of Braf-induced neoplastic transformation is dependent on age and may be related to age-associated molecular alterations that accumulate in the ageing intestine, including DNA methylation. This may have implications for surveillance and chemopreventive strategies targeting the epigenome.

    芬内尔,L.,凯恩,A.,刘,C.,麦基欧尼,D.,哈特尔,G.,苏,C.,邦德,C.,贝廷顿,M.,莱格特,B.,白厅,V.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2020 - 322166 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2020 - 322166 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 Braf突变在老化和异常甲基化的肠上皮中诱导快速肿瘤转化 2022-06-01 结肠 71 6 1127 1140
    <![CDATA[早期发现恶性胆道狭窄患者的新一代无胆细胞DNA测序]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1141?rss=1 目的

    尽管在影像学和病理评价方面取得了重大进展,但早期鉴别良恶性胆道狭窄仍然具有挑战性。内窥镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)用于检查胆道狭窄,收集胆汁。我们测试了胆细胞游离DNA (cfDNA)的下一代测序(NGS)突变分析的诊断潜力。< / p > < /秒>Design

    A prospective cohort of patients with suspicious biliary strictures (n=68) was studied. The performance of initial pathological diagnosis was compared with that of the mutational analysis of bile cfDNA collected at the time of first ERCP using an NGS panel open to clinical laboratory implementation, the Oncomine Pan-Cancer Cell-Free assay.


    An initial pathological diagnosis classified these strictures as of benign (n=26), indeterminate (n=9) or malignant (n=33) origin. Sensitivity and specificity of this diagnosis were 60% and 100%, respectively, as on follow-up 14 of the 26 and eight of the nine initially benign or indeterminate strictures resulted malignant. Sensitivity and specificity for malignancy of our NGS assay, herein named Bilemut, were 96.4% and 69.2%, respectively. Importantly, one of the four Bilemut false positives developed pancreatic cancer after extended follow-up. Remarkably, the sensitivity for malignancy of Bilemut was 100% in patients with an initial diagnosis of benign or indeterminate strictures. Analysis of 30 paired bile and tissue samples also demonstrated the superior performance of Bilemut.


    Implementation of Bilemut at the initial diagnostic stage for biliary strictures can significantly improve detection of malignancy, reduce delays in the clinical management of patients and assist in selecting patients for targeted therapies.

    Rullan Arechederra, M, M,何晓卫我。,Oyon, D, Zabalza, L, Elizalde, M, Latasa, M . U。达·M·R。Ruiz-Clavijo, D,现年C, Fernandez-Urien,我,Carrascosa, J。,Jusue, V, Guerrero-Setas, D, Zazpe, C, Gonzalez-Borja,我,Sangro, B。,的,J . M。Purroy, A。,吉尔,我,尼尔森,L . J。维拉,J . J。,杰哈卡胡奇,Zieniewicz, K, Patkowski, W, Milkiewicz, P, Cubero, f . J。Alkorta-Aranburu, G。,G Fernandez-Barrena, M, Urman, J . M。Berasain,阿维拉,M . C。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325178 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325178 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,编辑选择,Gut 用于恶性胆道狭窄患者早期检测的新一代无胆细胞DNA测序 2022-06-01 胃肠道癌症 71 6 1141 1151
    <![CDATA[高危人群胰腺癌监测的长期收益]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1152?rss=1 目的

    我们旨在确定遗传易感高危个体胰腺癌监测的长期收益。< / p > < /秒>Design

    From 2006 to 2019, we prospectively enrolled asymptomatic individuals with an estimated 10% or greater lifetime risk of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) after obligatory evaluation by a clinical geneticist and genetic testing, and subjected them to annual surveillance with both endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and MRI/cholangiopancreatography (MRI/MRCP) at each visit.


    366 individuals (201 mutation-negative familial pancreatic cancer (FPC) kindreds and 165 PDAC susceptibility gene mutation carriers; mean age 54 years, SD 9.9) were followed for 63 months on average (SD 43.2). Ten individuals developed PDAC, of which four presented with a symptomatic interval carcinoma and six underwent resection. The cumulative PDAC incidence was 9.3% in the mutation carriers and 0% in the FPC kindreds (p<0.001). Median PDAC survival was 18 months (range 1–32). Surgery was performed in 17 individuals (4.6%), whose pathology revealed 6 PDACs (3 T1N0M0), 7 low-grade precursor lesions, 2 neuroendocrine tumours <2 cm, 1 autoimmune pancreatitis and in 1 individual no abnormality. There was no surgery-related mortality. EUS detected more solid lesions than MRI/MRCP (100% vs 22%, p<0.001), but less cystic lesions (42% vs 83%, p<0.001).


    The diagnostic yield of PDAC was substantial in established high-risk mutation carriers, but non-existent in the mutation-negative proven FPC kindreds. Nevertheless, timely identification of resectable lesions proved challenging despite the concurrent use of two imaging modalities, with EUS outperforming MRI/MRCP. Overall, surveillance by imaging yields suboptimal results with a clear need for more sensitive diagnostic markers, including biomarkers.

    欧佛比克,K. A.,列文克,I. J. M.,库普曼,B. D. M.,哈林克,F.,康宁斯,I. C. A.,奥西姆斯,M. G. E. M.,瓦格纳,A.,福肯斯,P.,范·艾克,C. H.,格罗特·科尔坎普,B.,布希,O. R. C.,贝塞林克,M. G.,巴斯蒂安森,B. A. J.,范·德瑞尔,L. M. J.,埃勒,N. S.,弗莱格尔,F. P.,波利,J.-W.。, Cahen, d.l., van Hooft, j.e, Bruno, m.j,代表荷兰家族胰腺癌监测研究小组,Bruno, Cahen, Poley, van Driel, Harinck, Konings, Overbeek, Levink, Koopmann, Wagner, Groot Koerkamp, van Eijck, Biermann, Peppelenbosch, Erler, Fockens, van Hooft, Bastiaansen, van der Vlugt, Busch, Besselink, Ausems, Velthuizen, Vleggaar, van Dullemen, Bleiker, Kuenen 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2020 - 323611 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2020 - 323611 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 高危人群胰腺癌监测的长期收益 2022-06-01 胰腺 71 6 1152 1160
    <![CDATA[肿瘤微环境在肝细胞癌患者中形成先天淋巴样细胞]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1161?rss=1 肝细胞癌(HCC)是一种典型的炎症相关癌症。组织常驻先天淋巴样细胞(ILCs)已被建议控制肿瘤监测。在这里,我们研究了局部细胞因子环境如何控制肝癌中的ILCs。< / p > < /秒>Design

    We performed bulk RNA sequencing of HCC tissue as well as flow cytometry and single-cell RNA sequencing of enriched ILCs from non-tumour liver, margin and tumour core derived from 48 patients with HCC. Simultaneous measurement of protein and RNA expression at the single-cell level (AbSeq) identified precise signatures of ILC subgroups. In vitro culturing of ILCs was used to validate findings from in silico analysis. Analysis of RNA-sequencing data from large HCC cohorts allowed stratification and survival analysis based on transcriptomic signatures.


    RNA sequencing of tumour, non-tumour and margin identified tumour-dependent gradients, which were associated with poor survival and control of ILC plasticity. Single-cell RNA sequencing and flow cytometry of ILCs from HCC livers identified natural killer (NK)-like cells in the non-tumour tissue, losing their cytotoxic profile as they transitioned into tumour ILC1 and NK-like-ILC3 cells. Tumour ILC composition was mediated by cytokine gradients that directed ILC plasticity towards activated tumour ILC2s. This was liver-specific and not seen in ILCs from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Patients with high ILC2/ILC1 ratio expressed interleukin-33 in the tumour that promoted ILC2 generation, which was associated with better survival.


    Our results suggest that the tumour cytokine milieu controls ILC composition and HCC outcome. Specific changes of cytokines modify ILC composition in the tumour by inducing plasticity and alter ILC function.

    海因里希,B., Gertz, E. M., Schäffer, A. A., Craig, A., Ruf, B., Subramanyam, V., McVey, J. C., Diggs, L. P., Heinrich, S., Rosato, U., Ma, C., Yan, C., Hu, Y., Zhao, Y., Shen, T.-W.。,卡普尔,V.,特尔福德,W.,克莱纳,D. E.,斯托夫洛夫,M. K.,达尼,H. S.,康,J.,菲什拜因,T.,王,X. W.,鲁平,E.,克罗默,A.,格林,T. F.,科兰基,F.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325288 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325288 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 肿瘤微环境在肝细胞癌患者中形成先天淋巴样细胞 2022-06-01 肝脏病学 71 6 1161 1175
    <![CDATA[基于成像海量细胞术的肝细胞癌肿瘤微环境拓扑分析揭示不同个体发生的巨噬细胞反向调控细胞邻域]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1176?rss=1 肝细胞癌(HCC)肿瘤微环境(TME)是高度复杂的,不同的细胞成分组织成不同的功能单位,细胞邻居(CNs)。我们希望在保留TME结构的同时定义HCC的CN,在此基础上,可以确定新的免疫治疗的潜在靶点。< / p > < /秒>Design

    A highly multiplexed imaging mass cytometry (IMC) panel was designed to simultaneously quantify 36 biomarkers of tissues from 134 patients with HCC and 7 healthy donors to generate 562 highly multiplexed histology images at single-cell resolution. Different function units were defined by topological analysis of TME. CN relevant to the patients’ prognosis was identified as specific target for HCC therapy. Transgenic mouse models were used to validate the novel immunotherapy target for HCC.


    Three major types of intratumour areas with distinct distribution patterns of tumorous, stromal and immune cells were identified. 22 cellular metaclusters and 16 CN were defined. CN composed of various types of cells formed regional function units and the regional immunity was regulated reversely by resident Kupffer cells and infiltrating macrophages with protumour and antitumour function, respectively. Depletion of Kupffer cells in mouse liver largely enhances the T cell response, reduces liver tumour growth and sensitises the tumour response to antiprogrammed cell death protein-1 treatment.


    Our findings reveal for the first time the various topological function units of HCC TME, which also presents the largest depository of pathological landscape for HCC. This work highlights the potential of Kupffer cell-specific targeting rather than overall myeloid cell blocking as a novel immunotherapy for HCC treatment.

    盛,J。,J。,Wang L, Tano, V,唐,J。,,X。,,,歌,J。,赵,Y。,荣,J。,程,F。,Wang J。,沈,Y。,,我,他,J。,H。,,T,张问,巴姨,X。,,Z,梁、T。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324339 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324339 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 基于成像质量细胞术的肝细胞癌肿瘤微环境拓扑分析显示,不同个体发生的巨噬细胞反向调节细胞邻域 2022-06-01 肝脏病学 71 6 1176 1191
    <![CDATA[表达HLA-G的抑制CD4+ T细胞在急性肝硬化失代偿患者外周血中扩增]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1192?rss=1 目的

    确定免疫衰竭(慢性肝衰竭的标志之一)的组成部分对于我们理解肝硬化并发症至关重要。各种抑制CD4+ T细胞已被证实为系统免疫激活的有效抑制剂。在这里,我们建立了表达人白细胞抗原G (HLA-G)的抑制性CD4+ T细胞亚群在急性肝硬化失代偿(AD)患者中的存在、调节和作用机制。< / p > < /秒>Design

    Flow cytometry was used to determine the proportion and immunophenotype of CD4+HLA-G+ T cells from peripheral blood of 20 healthy controls (HCs) and 98 patients with cirrhosis (28 with stable cirrhosis (SC), 20 with chronic decompensated cirrhosis (CD) and 50 with AD). Transcriptional and functional signatures of cell-sorted CD4+HLA-G+ cells were delineated by NanoString technology and suppression assays, respectively. The role of immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin (IL)-35 in inducing this population was investigated through in vitro blockade experiments. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and cultures of primary human Kupffer cells (KCs) were performed to assess cellular sources of IL-35. HLA-G-mediated T cell suppression was explored using neutralising antibodies targeting co-inhibitory pathways.


    Patients with AD were distinguished by an expansion of a CD4+HLA-G+CTLA-4+IL-35+ immunosuppressive population associated with disease severity, clinical course of AD, infectious complications and poor outcome. Transcriptomic analyses excluded the possibility that these were thymic-derived regulatory T cells. IHC analyses and in vitro cultures demonstrate that KCs represent a potent source of IL-35 which can induce the observed HLA-G+ phenotype. These exert cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4-mediated impaired responses in T cells paralleled by an HLA-G-driven downregulation of T helper 17-related cytokines.


    We have identified a cytokine-driven peripherally derived suppressive population that may contribute to immuneparesis in AD.

    Khamri, W., Gudd, C., Liu, T., Nathwani, R., Krasniqi, M., Azam, S., Barbera, T., Trovato, F. M., Possamai, L., Triantafyllou, E., Seoane, R. C., Lebosse, F., Singanayagam, A., Kumar, N., Bernsmeier, C., Mukherjee, S., McPhail, M., Weston, C. J., Antoniades, C. G., Thursz, M. R.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324071 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324071 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 表达HLA-G的抑制性CD4+ T细胞在急性肝硬化失代偿患者外周血中扩增 2022-06-01 肝脏病学 71 6 1192 1202
    <![CDATA[综合代谢组学特征识别门静脉血清代谢组改变有助于人肝细胞癌]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1203?rss=1 目的

    代谢产物改变对肝细胞癌(HCC)的致瘤性很重要。我们对HCC患者和健康肝供者门静脉血液中的代谢产物变化进行了综合代谢组学分析,并与肝组织和粪便样本中的代谢产物变化进行了比较。< / p > < /秒>Design

    Serum (portal and central vein), liver tissue (HCC tumour and adjacent non-tumour, normal liver) and stool samples were collected from 102 subjects (52 HCC patients and 50 healthy controls) in the discovery cohort; and 100 subjects (50 HCC patients and 50 healthy controls) in an independent validation cohort. Untargeted metabolomic profiling was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The function of candidate metabolites was validated in hepatocyte cell lines.


    Detailed metabolomic evaluation showed distinct clusters of metabolites in serum, liver tissue and stool samples from patients with HCC and control individuals (p<0.001). HCC patients had significantly higher levels of portal vein serum and HCC tissue metabolites of DL-3-phenyllactic acid, L-tryptophan, glycocholic acid and 1-methylnicotinamide than healthy controls, which were associated with impaired liver function and poor survival. On the other hand, HCC patients had lower levels of linoleic acid and phenol in portal vein and stool samples than healthy controls. Linoleic acid and phenol significantly inhibited HCC proliferation, inferring their anti-HCC function as protective metabolites.


    The integrative metabolome analysis of serum, tissue and stool metabolites revealed unreported metabolic alterations in HCC patients. In portal vein, we identified elevated and depleted metabolites signifying that they might play a role in HCC development.

    耿,刘,J。W。,太阳,H,刘,C,黄,F。,曹,J。,夏,L,赵,H,翟,J。,,Q,, X。,旷,M,沈,年代,夏,Wong诉W.-S问。,于,J。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325189 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325189 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 综合代谢组学特征鉴定改变的门静脉血清代谢组有助于人肝细胞癌 2022-06-01 肝脏病学 71 6 1203 1213
    <!膳食宏量营养素和肠道微生物组:改善心脏代谢健康的精确营养方法]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1214?rss=1 越来越多的证据表明,肠道微生物组是体重、糖脂代谢和炎症过程的重要调节因子,并可能因此在肥胖、胰岛素抵抗和2型糖尿病的病因学中发挥关键作用。个体间对特定饮食干预的反应可能部分取决于具有不同代谢表型的个体之间基线肠道微生物群组成和功能的差异。然而,个体的饮食、肠道微生物组和宿主代谢表型之间的关系是多方位和复杂的,这对有针对性的饮食指南的实际实施提出了挑战。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了描述饮食成分、肠道微生物组和宿主代谢之间相互作用的最新研究。此外,我们还描述了如何将这些知识整合到基于精确的营养策略中,以改善人类的体重控制和代谢健康。具体而言,我们将解决以下问题:(1)深入了解基线肠道微生物和代谢表型在饮食干预反应中的作用,可能为基于精确的营养策略提供指导;(2)肠道菌群发酵碳水化合物和蛋白质之间的平衡,以及在结肠中发酵的部位,似乎是宿主代谢的重要决定因素;而且,(3)大数据,包括多重组学和高级建模,在预测(非)对饮食干预的反应方面具有不可否认的重要性。显然,人类详细的代谢和微生物表型对于更好地理解饮食、肠道微生物组和宿主代谢之间的联系是必要的,这是为不同人群的亚群制定有针对性的饮食策略和指南所必需的 贾登,k.m.,坎福拉,e.e.,古森斯,g.h.,布莱克,e.e.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2020 - 323715 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2020 - 323715 英国医学杂志出版集团 基础科学的最新进展,开放获取,GUT 膳食宏量营养素和肠道微生物群:改善心脏代谢健康的精确营养方法 2022-06-01 基础科学的最新进展 71 6 1214 1226 <![CDATA[文献中的GI亮点]]> . //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1227?rss=1 基础科学结肠炎相关癌症的新靶点< p>Gobert A, Latour Y, Asim M, 。亚精胺在结肠炎和结肠癌发生中的保护作用。<我> < / I > 2022; 1623:813– 27;doi: 10.1053 / j.gastro.2021.11.005。多胺存在于所有哺乳动物细胞中,包括腐胺、精胺和亚精胺。精胺氧化酶(SMOX)催化精胺转化为亚精胺。迄今为止,多胺在结直肠癌发生中的作用尚不清楚。

    Gobert et al先前报道SMOX敲除小鼠亚精胺水平较低,并发生更严重的葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)诱导的结肠炎。在这篇论文中,他们发现UC患者结肠组织中的SMOX信使RNA水平较低,且水平与疾病严重程度呈负相关。免疫染色显示重度不典型增生患者结肠上皮细胞SMOX减少。 Treatment of SMOX–/– mice with spermidine led to increased spermidine in the colon but not putrescine or spermine, as measured... 史密斯,P. J。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2022 - 327649 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2022 - 327649 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 GI重点来自文献 2022-06-01 JournalScan 71 6 1227 1228 <![IBD患者对SARS-CoV-2的抗体反应随着时间的推移而减弱:一项血清监测队列研究] //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1229?rss=1 我们感兴趣地阅读了CLARITY IBD研究,该研究表明,与接受vedolizumab治疗的IBD患者相比,接受英夫利昔单抗治疗的IBD患者对SARS-CoV-2的血清学反应减弱。1我们评估了IBD患者中SARS-CoV-2抗体的患病率,并评估了感染后对SARS-CoV-2的血清学反应是否随着时间的推移而减弱。来自加拿大卡尔加里的IBD患者于2020年10月至2021年4月被招募,并被分为两个队列:(1)血清监测(n=279)定义为以前未被诊断为COVID-19的人;(2) COVID-19恢复(n=45),定义为经PCR分子诊断为SARS-CoV-2感染的患者。

    使用Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2抗核衣壳蛋白IgG抗体分析血清。抗体测试阳性定义为指标信号/截止≥1.4。该检测已被验证,在症状出现后12天,敏感性为95%,特异性为99%,与… 卡普兰,G. G.,马,C.,查尔顿,C.,坎吉,J. N.,蒂普尔斯,沙里菲,N.,赫劳夫,M.,科沃德,S.,英格兰,R. J. M.,赫拉克斯,L.,本希摩尔,E. I.,帕纳乔内,R.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325238 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325238 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道,COVID-19 IBD患者对SARS-CoV-2的抗体反应随着时间的推移而减弱:一项血清监测队列研究 2022-06-01 附言 71 6 1229 1231 <![CDATA[死于COVID-19的艾滋病毒死者的非肺部和肺部免疫反应的比较]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1231?rss=1 我们饶有兴趣地阅读了Manuel 等人的研究,该研究表明慢性免疫抑制可以保护肝移植患者抵御严重的COVID-19。1尽管合并症增加,但肝移植患者的COVID-19并不比非移植组更严重。1 2我们提出了一名COVID-19/HIV合并感染的死者的研究结果,该死者的生存时间(46天)明显长于三名COVID-19死者(平均30天)(图1A)。考虑到艾滋病毒的免疫抑制作用,3我们的COVID-19/HIV患者的延长生存期可能反映了对严重COVID-19的保护。为了研究组织特异性免疫反应和病毒载量,我们对患者的免疫状况进行了深入分析。来自我们研究队列的肝脏、肾脏和肺组织的数字空间分析(figure 1B)显示,COVID-19/HIV死者具有独特的转录组谱,特别是在肝脏和肾脏( 吴作栋,D。李,J . N。天山,T, Lim Lim J . c . T。S。,棕褐色,a . S。,J。,棕褐色,B。,Yeong J。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 324754 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 324754 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道,COVID-19 死于COVID-19的艾滋病毒死者的非肺部和肺部免疫反应的比较 2022-06-01 附言 71 6 1231 1234 <!单一大肝细胞癌分期定向治疗的综合预后和组织基因组学论证:韩国全国注册研究]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1234?rss=1

    肝细胞癌(HCC)的早期诊断可增加治愈治疗和长期生存的机会。1 2我们感兴趣地阅读了Zhang的分析研究等人提出了nomogram模型,预测无复发生存期,并指导治疗决策,在米兰标准下,采用针对患者的治疗方法治疗早期HCC。3经过改进的巴塞罗那临床肝癌(BCLC)指南在定义A期HCC时不再限制孤立结节的大小。然而,关于是否需要将单个hcc的最大直径限制在米兰极限(≤5厘米)内的争论仍在继续。4–6在一项基于生存的验证性调查中,我们主要使用了韩国全国癌症登记数据库的10510例新发HCC病例。这些病例是在54家医院随机抽样和登记的,由韩国肝癌研究小组和政府组织进行调查。 安,J,金,H. I.,哦,B.,哦,Y.-J。哦,j - h。,金伟,宋国强,沈俊华。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325844 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325844 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 单一大肝细胞癌分期定向治疗的综合预后和组织基因组学论证:韩国全国注册研究 2022-06-01 附言 71 6 1234 1236 <!非侵入性检查与NAFLD晚期慢性肝病:前进两步退一步?]] > //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1236?rss=1 我们以极大的兴趣阅读了Mózes关于非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)的非侵入性检测(NITs)的研究1,并赞扬了作者的综合个体患者数据元分析。作者已经证实,用振动控制瞬态弹性成像(LSM-VCTE)测量纤维化-4指数(FIB-4)和肝脏刚度的两步算法在诊断和排除晚期纤维化和/或肝硬化方面具有优越的诊断性能。事实上,这个概念在以前已经被证明过,包括在我们自己的工作中。2–4然而,我们想强调几点澄清。首先,作者建议在使用建议的肝硬化分割规则时,将肝活检从33%降低到19%,如桑基图所总结的那样。在我们看来,这种活检的相对减少是不合理的,因为第一个诊断算法检查晚期纤维化,而… 马宗达,A., Tsochatzis, E.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 325994 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 325994 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 非侵入性检查与NAFLD的晚期慢性肝病:前进两步后退一步? 2022-06-01 附言 71 6 1236 1237 <![CDATA[冒充IBS的成人蔗糖酶异戊酸酶缺乏症]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1237?rss=1 最近在《Gut》杂志上,几篇文章报道了肠易激综合征(IBS)患者中低型(缺陷)蔗糖酶异omaltase (SI)基因变异的患病率增加,1 2以及与相应酶的细胞表面表达受损和消化功能降低有关。此外,在伴有腹泻的IBS患者的低fodmap(可发酵寡聚二单糖和多元醇)试验中,低型SI携带者与非携带者相比反应降低。4 5 6包括最近的大型基于人群的调查,7提出了一个问题,< I>SI基因中的遗传缺陷是否可以用来解释一些IBS患者的腹部症状。一名23岁的患者因长期餐后腹泻伴腹胀、腹痛和恶心而被诊断为肠易激综合征。他还有明显的疲劳、头痛和口腔溃疡。他从婴儿时期就有症状 福利,阿尔莫斯,E. P.,侯赛因,D. M.,费希尔利,S. R.,洛·舍尔,B.-S.。,弗兰克,A.,纳伊姆,H. Y.,吉布森,P. R.,达马托,M.。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 326153 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 326153 英国医学杂志出版集团 开放获取,肠道 伪装成肠易激综合征的成人蔗糖异戊酸酶缺乏症 2022-06-01 附言 71 6 1237 1238 <![收集数据评估慢性乙型肝炎患者停用核苷类似物的风险和益处:挑战和机遇]]> //www.marcconsult.com/cgi/content/short/71/6/1238?rss=1 我们怀着极大的兴趣阅读了Hall的元分析et al1,并祝贺作者完成了如此全面的文献综述。然而,我们想提出一些问题,以提醒读者在数据汇总和分析方面的研究局限性。首先,分析包括了几项在其患者人群中出现大量重复的研究,因此来自同一患者的相似数据被统计了不止一次(table 1)。2例如,为了计算停药恩替卡韦或替诺福韦后临床复发的累积发生率,我们纳入了台湾高雄长庚纪念医院同一研究组的4篇论文。Ma最新也是最大的研究等人3可能包含了早期三项研究中登记的大多数(如果不是全部)患者的数据。第二,一些研究由高度… 许,研究。,曾志宏。,苏,t - h。,高,j - h。,阮敏洪。 2022 - 05 - 05 - t02:13:59 07:00 信息:doi 10.1136 / / gutjnl - 2021 - 326232 hwp: master-id: gutjnl; gutjnl - 2021 - 326232 英国医学杂志出版集团 肠道 收集数据评估慢性乙型肝炎患者停用核苷类似物的风险和益处:挑战和机遇 2022-06-01 附言 71 6 1238 1240