
  1. 泥瓦匠




胃内窥镜手术。编辑:E Hanisch, M北岛,T Wehrmann,(页134;说明;149.00£51.50 / DM)。德国:施普林格Verlag, 2000。ISBN 3540653333。


这本书的基础上,腹腔镜方法是正确的,有很少的讨论非腹腔镜和开放手术。腹腔镜下抗反流手术和心肌切开术可能是合适的,但肯定不是抗肥胖手术或癌症手术的形式。对于后一种情况和恶性肿瘤,认为腹腔镜方法已经很好地建立起来的印象是不准确的,在这些情况下,开放手术占主导地位。腹腔镜抗反流手术的讨论仅限于360°尼森松软盘包。整篇文章都用清晰的照片很好地描述了手术过程。然而,没有讨论360°包裹的替代方案,即180°假发手术,甚至是更现代的部分前基金移植术。这些程序的各种优点将是对文本的补充,以及腹腔镜在修正手术中的作用,并与开放手术进行一些比较。同样,对于贲门失弛缓症的心肌切开术,与开放式心肌切开术相关的成功率将是有益的。在这两个手术部分之前是关于反流和贲门失弛缓症的病理生理学的两个很好的章节。遗憾的是,在腹腔镜抗反流手术中,随着腹腔镜的出现,此类手术的发生率显著增加,却没有得到更多的评论。 Is this a good thing or not? The pros and cons of treatment could be better discussed. With regard to cancer surgery, this really has to be emphasised as being experimental. Comparison with these success rates versus those of open surgery and a reflection on the reality of the situation, as seen in Western Europe where the disease presents at a more advanced stage, and the role of other modalities such as chemo/radiotherapy, would benefit the textbook and would expand it into a more comprehensive text. On the plus side however, the illustrations are superb and the intraoperative photographs explain the laparoscopic nodal dissection extremely clearly. It is not however a textbook of operative surgery. This book will appeal to the more specialist clinicians in upper gastrointestinal surgery and provides a cheaper and smaller alternative to the more weighty texts.