

  1. 迈克尔一个子儿也没有编辑
  1. 亚历克斯·威廉姆森出版总监




多年来,我们的政策一直是向来自发展中国家的申请者免费订阅我们的期刊。然而,在实践中,这有它的困难。许多发展中国家的邮政服务很差,或者根本不存在,而批准印刷订阅通常是有问题的,而且昂贵——这是发送的边际成本肠道到非洲的费用大约是每年25英镑。一篇社论BMJ很清楚地列出了论点。1我们知道,富国和穷国之间的差距正在扩大。当我们这些发达国家的人拥有信息过载时,发展中国家的图书馆却空空如也。互联网给了我们缩小差距的机会。获得电子版本的边际成本肠道接近于零。更重要的是,那些资源贫乏国家的人可以与发达国家的人同时访问电子期刊。更好的是,他们可以访问相关的内容,而不是提供的内容,其中许多内容并不相关。最重要的是,他们可以使用网站上的快速反应设施参与辩论,这在印刷发行缓慢的情况下几乎是不可能的。获取电子版肠道将自动免费提供给联合国及世界银行(www.worldbank.org/data/databytopic/class.htm).英国医学会和英国胃肠病学会已经为在我们所有期刊网站上安装数字岛提供了资金。这个聪明的软件可以识别用户来自哪里,并为来自我们选择指定的发展中国家的用户提供不受限制的访问整个网站的权限。无论发达国家发生什么,BMJ.com都将继续向发展中国家免费开放。我们从资源贫乏国家获得的收入很少;促进信息供应应该鼓励发展,改善医疗保健,并最终创造一个市场。这一愿景的问题在于发展中国家无法接入万维网。虽然在美国有数千万人可以使用,但在大多数非洲国家只有数千人;与美国相比(在美国通常是免费的),非洲的网络接入往往非常缓慢、断断续续,而且非常昂贵。在许多资源贫乏的国家,停电每天都在发生。 Yet there's every reason to expect that access should increase dramatically. India currently has a million people with internet access, but this is expected to rise to 40 million within five years. Similarly dramatic increases are expected in Nigeria. Technological developments like access to radio and the proliferation of satellites will render irrelevant the many problems of telephone access in Africa. Rapid progress will also be made because many international organisations such as Unesco, the British government, the World Bank, and the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation are increasingly interested in helping improve information access in resource poor countries. The challenge will be sustainability. It is easy for donors to invest money and reap the rewards of short term success. But enhancing information flow will make no impact on health if projects continue only as long as their funding lasts. Information cannot be separated from the capacity of a healthcare system to work effectively over time. How is it possible to influence the context within which information will flow, the apparently intractable political, economic, and organisational constraints that disable rather than enable information to work for people? Publishers in the rich world have a part to play, and we hope that by making access to肠道在线免费提供给发展中国家的人,这是我们自己的小小贡献。
