Gut is a leading international journal in gastroenterology and hepatology and has an established reputation for publishing first class clinical research of the alimentary tract, the liver, biliary tree and pancreas. Gut delivers up-to-date, authoritative, clinically oriented coverage in all areas including articles by leading authorities, reports on the latest treatments for diseases, reviews and commentaries. Gut is an official journal of theBritish Society of Gastroenterology, subscribers to Gut also receive Frontline Gastroenterology .


  • Helicobacter pylori促进结直肠carcinogenesis by deregulating intestinal immunity and inducing a mucus-degrading microbiota signature
  • Defining gene–lifestyle interactions in inflammatory bowel disease: progress towards understanding disease pathogenesis
  • Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease: cause, protopathic bias or others?
  • Vonoprazan-based versus proton pump inhibitor-based therapy inHelicobacter pylorieradication: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
  • Mixed-donor faecal microbiota transplantation was associated with increased butyrate-producing bacteria for obesity